Occultation by Lucina
Observed: 30 Nov 2016
Michel Bonnardeau
13 Jan 2017
corrected 10 Apr 2017 (use of speed of asteroid's shadow)
web published 26 Sep 2017
146 Lucina was observed to occult TYC 1898-02675-1 on 2016 Nov
30. The occultation duration was 9.03±0.42s.
Prediction and observation
Prediction from Steve
Preston's Website.
Report sent to
E. Frappa who forwarded it to Planoccult (may not be on-line).
Based on the orbital period of 4.5 yr, the fact that the orbit is nearly
circular, the geocentric distance of 1.972 AU, the velocity of the asteroid's
shadow at Earth location is 13.1 km/s. The speed of asteroid's shadow
on Earth surface (taking into account its motion) is given on S. Preston's
website as 10.0055 km/s. The dimension of the shadow that flied over my
location was then 90 km.
The result
from Euraster is here.
Technical notes
Occultation timing.
Telescope and camera configuration.
Computer and software configuration.
Data processing.