MBCAA Observatory

Telescope and camera configuration A4C02

Creation: 3 Dec 2004

  • Telescope: Meade LX200 Classic 203mm f/6.3.
  • Camera: SBIG ST7E (and Philips TouCam Pro webcam).
  • Focuser: RoboFocus to drive the LX200 focus knob, with homemade braket.
  • Filter wheel: True Technology Custom Wheel wide (with mirror for eyepiece).
  • Counterweight: 2x1.5 kg on piggyback mounts, long thick foam dewshield, 0.7 kg on the left arm of the mount.

  • Telescope theoretical resolution at 700nm0.73 "
    ST7E KAF401Echip size6.89x4.59 mm
    765x510 pixels
    pixel size9x9 microns
    1.38 "
    ST7E TC211chip size2.64x2.64 mm
    192x164 pixels
    pixel size13.75x16 microns
    2.11x2.46 "
    TouCam pixel size 5.6x5.6 microns

    RoboFocus: calibration of its raw temperature versus the actual temperature (measured with an Oregon thermometer):

    Best fit: Temperature = -238.6 + 0.424*Raw

    Focalisation of the LX200 telescope (with the RoboFocus and the FocusMax software) versus the actual temperature:

    Best fit: Focus = 6244 + 6.844*Temperature

    The RoboFocus feature to automatically adjust the telescope focus with the varying temperature was not used in this setup.

    Next configuration A5817.

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