MBCAA Observatory

SZ Mon measurements

The V measurements:

Session HJD -
Raw Corrected for
nearby star
magerror magerror
20051223728.6571 10.345 0.01110.5810.013 10.558 0.028
728.665210.352 0.00610.590 0.007xx
20051224729.451010.481 0.01110.753 0.014 10.730 0.028
729.453910.489 0.00510.763 0.006xx
20060119755.45349.805 0.0099.942 0.010 9.925 0.021
755.45609.877 0.00410.024 0.005xx
20060120756.41949.827 0.0079.967 0.008xx
20060124760.430510.186 0.00510.387 0.006 10.364 0.020
20060125761.420310.342 0.00510.577 0.006 10.555 0.020
20060131767.403410.268 0.00510.486 0.006 10.472 0.015
20060201768.41489.982 0.00410.145 0.005 10.134 0.013
20060321816.2877 10.412 0.01110.665 0.014 10.649 0.024
816.294610.412 0.00510.665 0.006xx
20060329824.344510.033 0.00910.205 0.011 10.184 0.024
824.351410.056 0.00410.232 0.005xx
20060403829.299010.731 0.01211.086 0.017xx
829.302410.742 0.01211.101 0.017 11.083 0.029
829.304510.751 0.01311.113 0.018xx
829.307310.727 0.00611.080 0.008xx
20060407833.312310.153 0.01210.347 0.015 10.333 0.024
833.315910.170 0.00610.367 0.007xx
20060422848.316210.566 0.00810.863 0.011 10.846 0.022
20060423849.313710.363 0.01010.603 0.012 10.588 0.023
20060425851.31719.755 0.0089.886 0.009 9.874 0.016
20060430856.32559.944 0.00810.101 0.009 10.082 0.022
200610161025.622110.632 0.00510.951 0.007 10.931 0.019
200610301039.658410.406 0.00510.657 0.006 10.635 0.020
200611011041.707810.691 0.00611.031 0.008 11.010 0.021
200611031043.678410.634 0.00610.953 0.009 10.936 0.020
200611301070.646610.123 0.00410.311 0.005 10.290 0.019
200612131083.61279.745 0.0049.874 0.005 9.856 0.016
200612141084.59889.811 0.0049.949 0.005 9.927 0.019
200612231093.438210.456 0.00510.721 0.006 10.704 0.017
20061224 1094.436710.193 0.00510.395 0.006 10.380 0.015
200612271097.50289.777 0.0049.911 0.005xx
200702091141.337510.706 0.00511.051 0.007 11.029 0.021
200702151147.44119.765 0.0049.897 0.005 9.881 0.015
200702201152.33699.991 0.00610.156 0.007 10.134 0.020
200703111171.302510.566 0.00710.863 0.009 10.841 0.023

The B measurements:

Session HJD -
Raw Corrected for
nearby star
magerror magerror
20051223728.661411.210 0.01111.615 0.017 11.617 0.080
20051224729.457411.318 0.01111.776 0.017 11.778 0.082
20060119755.459810.535 0.00710.734 0.009 10.735 0.056
20060124760.434011.041 0.00811.378 0.012 11.380 0.058
20060125761.416211.170 0.00911.558 0.013 11.559 0.060
20060131767.399810.880 0.00811.164 0.010 11.165 0.045
20060201768.410810.526 0.00710.723 0.009 10.724 0.038
20060321816.290911.050 0.01111.390 0.015 11.391 0.068
20060329824.347910.885 0.00811.170 0.010 11.172 0.066
20060403829.312511.423 0.01211.940 0.020 11.942 0.083
20060407833.320210.762 0.01211.013 0.015 11.014 0.067
20060422848.323911.229 0.01611.643 0.024 11.644 0.074
20060423849.317911.002 0.02411.325 0.033 11.326 0.083
20060425851.321410.301 0.01410.458 0.016 10.459 0.052
20060430856.322310.744 0.02410.990 0.030 10.992 0.081
200610161025.625511.366 0.00911.850 0.013 11.851 0.058
200610271036.689710.819 0.00811.085 0.010xx
200610301039.662211.239 0.00811.658 0.011 11.659 0.059
200611011041.715511.428 0.01311.948 0.021 11.950 0.069
200611031043.682411.311 0.01111.765 0.016 11.767 0.062
200611301070.651310.971 0.00811.283 0.011 11.285 0.056
200612131083.616310.506 0.00710.699 0.009 10.701 0.047
200612141084.602410.707 0.00510.944 0.006 10.946 0.051
200612221092.571711.351 0.00911.827 0.013xx
200612231093.442311.115 0.00811.480 0.012 11.481 0.050
200612241094.440410.828 0.00811.097 0.010 11.098 0.046
200612271097.506210.479 0.00510.667 0.006xx
200612281098.386210.565 0.00710.770 0.009xx
200701121113.371210.304 0.00810.462 0.009xx
200702091141.341411.487 0.00912.045 0.014 12.047 0.063
200702151147.444910.449 0.00710.631 0.009 10.633 0.043
200702201152.341010.857 0.00811.134 0.010 11.136 0.058
200703111171.306311.363 0.01111.845 0.017 11.847 0.071


Site map


MBCAA Observatory. Copyright 2004-2007