MBCAA Observatory
329 Svea: light/rotation curvesObserved: 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 March 2009Michel Bonnardeau
Session | Nb. obs | COMP star | Check star | ||
ID | Average 1-sigma | SD | |||
16 Mar 2009 | 64 | UCAC2-30-706-725 = GSC-4970-00886 | UCAC2-30-706-694 = GSC-4970-00806 | 0.010 | 0.012 |
17 Mar 2009 | 52 | UCAC2-30-706-674 = GSC-4970-00077 | UCAC2-30-706-690 = GSC-4970-00022 | 0.021 | 0.022 |
18 Mar 2009 | 78 | UCAC2-30-863-469 = GSC-4970-00339 | GSC-4970-00185 | 0.023 | 0.024 |
19 Mar 2009 | 36 | UCAC2-30-863-455 = GSC-4970-00081 | UCAC2-30-863-432 = GSC-4970-00353 | 0.016 | 0.020 |
21 Mar 2009 | 68 | UCAC2-31-015-306 = GSC-4967-00485 | UCAC2-31-015-326 = GSC-4967-00501 | 0.010 | 0.011 |
22 Mar 2009 | 59 | UCAC2-31-015-296 = GSC-4967-00506 | UCAC2-31-015-289 = GSC-4967-00074 | 0.008 | 0.007 |
The magnitude measurements are searched for a periodicity, which would be due to the asteroid spin.
To search for a periodicity I use a Monte Carlo algorithm the following
X | X | X |
X |
X |
X |
X | X |
X | X |
X | X |
The above algorithm is re-run a number of times (10 or more). This leads
to a unique period solution with the following average value and standard deviation:
P=22.49 h +/- 9 mn
To improve the period determination, the algorithm is run again 10 times
but with the period between 22h and 24h with an increment of 5s, and,
for each period, 50,000 trials for the magnitude shifts. The result is
P = 22.53 h +/- 11 mn
and for the magnitude shifts:
17 March 2009 0.026+/-0.004
18 March 2009 0.163+/-0.003
19 March 2009 0.086+/-0.010
21 March 2009 0.085+/-0.009
22 March 2009 0.126+/-0.009
The resulting light curve:
A period of 22.77 h and a light curve are reported on the R. Behrend 's web site (as of March 2009). My period and light curve look quite similar.
A period of 15.201 h is reported on the JPL web site but when I fold my data with it I do not get a realistic light curve.
My uncertainty on the period is fairly large (11 mn) because my observations span only 7 days. However a longer span would have introduced uncertainties from the changing geometry of the Sun-Svea-Earth trio.
A similar period search for asteroid 140 Siwa.
Observation of the 7 Nov 2007 occultation by Svea.
Telescope and camera configuration.
Computer and software configuration.
http://www.astromb.net MBCAA Observatory. Copyright 2004-2009 |